General conditions of pronunciation

Find all the important information in one place


1. Scope and performance of tasks

Safety at work and environmental protection “Belgrade” LLC is responsible for the quality of work entrusted to it in accordance with the offer or contract.


2. Access to technical information

The user is obliged to provide access to all necessary data, information, documentation on Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection “Belgrade” LLC in advance, at the latest before the start of work.


3. Access to the test / sampling site

The User is obliged to provide the necessary conditions and provide unimpeded access to the places of performance of works and to provide a representative for cooperation who will provide the information necessary for the performance of works during the performance of the service.


4. Ownership and usage rights

The user has the right to use the results of the work performed for the intended or specially agreed purpose. The user will use the obtained results so that they cannot be misinterpreted or misused in any way.


5. Confidentiality

Full confidentiality insurance is provided for the said work, unless otherwise agreed. Safety at work and environmental protection “Belgrade” LLC is obliged to provide access to information during the supervision by the Accreditation Body of Serbia or the competent ministry, about which we hereby inform you. We will inform you in advance about all other information that we are legally obliged to make available.


6. Responsibility for quality service performance

Safety at work and environmental protection “Belgrade” LLC will, at its own expense, eliminate all deficiencies that have arisen due to the fact that it did not comply with its obligations regarding the quality of services provided, as determined by the minutes of the commission formed by user representatives. work and environmental protection “Belgrade” LLC.


7. Safety and health at work

Safety at work and environmental protection “Belgrade” LLC is obliged to, when performing the service, take all necessary safety measures at work of its own staff.


8. Decision-making rule when assessing compliance with legal regulations

Laboratory for Occupational and Environmental Protection Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection “Belgrade” LLC applies a binary (compliant / non-compliant) decision rule in accordance with ILAC-G8: 09/2019 case 1 taking into account the measurement uncertainty of the results. The decision rule is described in detail in the Instructions for reporting the results of laboratory tests FHL UP 7.8 6/0 and is available at the request of users and on the website


9. Terms of service

The works are performed within the deadlines specified in the contracts / offers or by agreement.


10. Complaints and appeals

If you have an appeal against our decision in the control procedure, ie an objection to our work, on the manner of filing an appeal or objection, the manner of decision-making, etc., you can learn more about the Complaints and Appeals procedure, which we will submit at your request.