Everything you need to know about environmental protection in Serbia

Environmental protection in the Republic of Serbia is regulated by the law which ensures the human right to development and life in a healthy environment, as well as a balanced relationship between economic development and the environment. Although Serbia has a fairly well-regulated legal framework related to the preservation and protection of the environment, it should be noted that the application of all legal regulations is not always consistent in all areas.

However, the change in the political climate in this part of Europe in the last two decades has led to a change in the perception of the importance of preserving the environment. Today, it is also of strategic importance for the state of Serbia because there is a large number of capital investments related to the preservation of protected natural resources in our country.

There is, of course, the always burning issue of European integration and their huge impact on this area, since the members of the European Union demand that each future member accepts its acquis, and other European countries attach great importance to preserving the environment.

If we look at the requirements and what has been achieved in practice so far, we will notice that there is an evident gap in the harmonization between European standards and what Serbia has done so far in the field of environmental protection and preservation, although there are some progress.

Environmental protection is a complex area

When we talk about environmental protection, we are actually talking about a whole series of laws, measures, conditions and instruments not only for preserving the natural balance and remediation of various forms of pollution, but also for nurturing the diversity and quality of the environment and preventing its pollution. And these are all challenges that are not easy to answer.

In this regard, it is necessary to first explain some of the basic concepts concerning the preservation of the environment in Serbia.

What is the environment?

To better understand what is covered by environmental protection, we must first define it. Although the first association with the environment is our immediate environment, it is important to emphasize that it actually encompasses a set of both natural and created values, whose complex interrelationships make up the space and conditions for life in general.

Simply put, the environment consists of natural elements, ie. water, air, land, flora and fauna, climate, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, vibrations, noise, but also typically human creations, ie settlements, various facilities and infrastructure.

This number and complexity of mutual relations of environmental elements imposes the need for careful measurement of its quality, ie monitoring of various physical, chemical, biological and other indicators.

Who are the subjects of the environmental protection system?

The system of environmental protection is obliged to be improved by everyone, starting from the Republic of Serbia, its autonomous provinces, local self-government units, then legal and natural persons who use natural values in performing economic or other activities, and endanger or pollute the environment in any way. .

The subjects of the protection system include scientific and other organizations, as well as individuals and groups of citizens, where everyone is responsible for the activity that changes or may change the state or conditions in the environment, or for not taking measures to protect the environment. are prescribed by law.

Obligations of legal entities related to environmental protection

In Serbia, there are a number of laws, bylaws and ratified international conventions that deal with environmental protection. In short, economic operators, as well as individuals, are obliged to apply and enforce environmental regulations, respect the principle of sustainability when using natural resources, goods and energy, introduce more energy efficient technologies and use renewable natural resources whenever possible. This is especially true of major pollutants in our country, such as oil refineries, thermal power plants and other power plants, the chemical industry, metal processing companies, cement plants, mines, and the food industry.

Also, economic entities should follow processes, technologies and practices that pose less threat to the environment, and take measures to prevent or eliminate the consequences of endangerment and damage to the environment when necessary, and to properly keep the necessary records on consumption of raw materials and energy, discharge. pollutants, then the classification, characteristics and quantities of waste. These and other relevant data should be submitted to the competent authorities on a regular basis. It is also necessary to deal with the control of activities and operation of plants that may pose a risk or cause a danger to the environment and human health.

Our experience in this area

Since we can boast not only many years of experience in the field and detailed knowledge of legislation, but also highly educated staff who are ready to respond to various challenges posed by this area, we are ready to offer a wide range of services covering both professional documentation and providing advice

If you have any doubts, send us an inquiry and we will provide you with all the necessary information in a timely manner.