Training of employees to provide first aid
By protecting others you protect yourself and build the credibility of your company
The service implies BASIC or ADVANCED training.
It is mostly performed in the premises of our company, but at the request of clients, it can also be organized in their premises.
The team of educators and doctors specializing in medicine of the Belgrade Protection successfully runs a certified program of training employees for first aid.
We perform this training in accordance with:
– Rulebook on the manner of providing first aid, types of means and equipment that must be provided at the workplace, manner and deadlines for training employees to provide first aid (“Službeni glasnik of RS”, No. 109/2016).
Modern methods of providing first aid for low and high risk jobs
The service is organized and provided in accordance with the RULEBOOK ON THE MANNER OF PROVIDING FIRST AID, TYPES OF FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT WHICH MUST BE PROVIDED AT THE WORKPLACE, THE MANNER AND DEADLINES FOR TRAINING EMPLOYEES BY THE EMPLOYEE FOR THE EMPLOYEE. occupational medicine specialist. By providing first aid in an adequate way, we can save someone’s life. First aid serves to eliminate the immediate danger to the life and health of the injured or sick person, after which professional medical assistance is provided. Every employer is obliged to provide first aid in the workplace, as well as training of the appropriate number of employees to provide the same. In addition, first aid equipment must always be easily accessible and stored in the prescribed place. The entire organization should be arranged so that each employee has the opportunity to receive first aid throughout working hours – in all shifts and at all locations.
Certified and personalized first aid program
We organize a program of basic and advanced first aid training. Basic training needs to be provided for all jobs, while advanced first aid training is suitable for high-risk jobs.
We create and adjust the content of the program to the assessed risks, organization, nature and scope of work, as well as all other factors of your activity.
The training consists of carefully and concisely designed theoretical and practical work that aim to be understandable and visually clear. We train employees on the premises of our company or we come to your premises on request.
It is envisaged that this training will be conducted every five years, and after the end of the program, each participant will receive a certificate of mastered training and acquired competencies.
Contact us today, and fulfill your legal and ethical obligation to provide your team with the highest quality first aid training.

Training of employees to provide first aid
Your questions - our answers
Through many years of experience working with clients from various fields and industries, we have gained a knowledge base on the most common issues of our clients and this area.