Pressure equipment
By inspecting your equipment, we contribute to its preservation and longer service life
Before using new equipment or one that has undergone certain modifications, it is very important to check its correctness and safety. Zaštita Beograd is an accredited company for performing a complete inspection of pressure equipment, and the test is performed according to the standard SRPS EN 13445-5: 2015, Pressure vessels that are not exposed to flame – Part 5: inspection and testing.
The process of checking the pressure equipment is carried out by a team of licensed experts
The great expertise and many years of experience of our team in the field of occupational safety guarantees clients completely reliable and accurate data on the basis of which you get a clear picture of the condition of the equipment you own.
For all consultations and suggestions, you can contact our team in the field at any time.
After determining the test pressure, the procedure itself is carried out as follows:
- – all openings on the pressure equipment are closed, except for the openings for connection of manometers, pump hoses and vents
- – the pressure equipment is filled with test medium (water)
- – check that there is no residual air
- – the vent is closed
- – pressure gauges (test and control) are placed on the pressure equipment
- – a pump hose is connected to the pressure equipment from which air is previously expelled
- – the pump (manual or high pressure pump) gradually increases the pressure to a value of about 50% of the test pressure, and then increases in phases of about 10% to the required value of the test pressure
- – the required test pressure is maintained for not less than 30 minutes
Zaštita Beograd performs regular inspections of your pressure equipment
Depending on the regulations and needs, we perform regular periodic inspections of your equipment, which contributes to its preservation and longer life. In addition to pressure tests, we perform external and internal inspection of equipment, and you can also contact us to check new equipment that has yet to be put into operation. For more information, call us today, and we will be very happy to consult with you in any area of occupational safety.

Pressure equipment
Your questions - our answers
Through many years of experience working with clients from various fields and industries, we have gained a knowledge base on the most common issues of our clients and this area.