Inspection and verification of temporary construction site

For many years, our experts have been helping you understand and apply the regulations

Our company performs a complete inspection and verification of work equipment in accordance with the authorization of the competent Ministry by decision number 164-02-00305 / 2015-01 from 11.04.2016. years. One of the types of work equipment that is subject to preventive and periodic inspection is a temporary construction electrical installation. By determining its correctness and full functionality, safety on the construction site is ensured, which is your and our common goal.

  • Rulebook on general measures of protection at work from the dangerous effects of electricity in facilities intended for work, work premises and work sites (Službeni glasnik of the SRS “No. 21/89);
  • Rulebook on safety at work during construction works Službeni glasnik of RS ”no. 53/97);
  • Rulebook on technical norms for low voltage electrical installations (Službeni glasnik of the SFRY ”No. 53/88 and 54/88 and Official Gazette of the FRY” No. 28/95);
  • Serbian standards: group SRPS HD 60364 and SRPS EN 60529.

What falls under this control, in fact - what is controlled?

Equipment for work that is subject to preventive and periodic inspections and checks is defined in paragraph 11, Article 3 of the Rulebook on the procedure for inspection and verification of equipment for work and testing of working environment conditions Službeni Glasnik of RS “” No. 94 / 2006,114 / 2014 and 102 / 2015)) which reads

Who performs the inspection and control?

Inspections and inspections of work equipment are performed by a legal entity with a license to perform inspections and inspections of work equipment, which has the appropriate instruments and devices for inspection and inspection, listed with technical characteristics in the accepted methodology. Temporary electrical installation with devices, equipment and accessories, installed during the construction of buildings or other works “, as well as Article 8 of the said rulebook.

We provide a reliable professional finding

After each examination, the client received a detailed expert report from our accredited company. In addition to data on the person responsible for the inspection and equipment, the finding provides all data on the condition and functionality of the temporary construction site. Based on the obtained characteristics, further steps are taken. If there are identified irregularities and shortcomings, together we come to a solution that will ensure the healthy and safe work of your employees. For any additional information, contact us today. Our team provides consultations and advice for achieving and maintaining complete safety at work.

Methods of realization:

Periodic inspections and checks of work equipment shall be performed within the period determined by technical regulations and standards or determined by the manufacturer’s instructions, and no later than three years from the day of previous inspection and check, except for periodic inspections and checks of temporary electrical installations with devices. equipment and accessories, which are performed within one year from the day of the previous inspection and inspection and periodic inspections and inspections of work equipment determined by the employer by the act on risk assessment, which are performed within the period determined by that act.


After the inspection and verification, the Expert Finding is issued “

In accordance with the Decree on safety and health at work on temporary or mobile construction sites, the Investor, ie the investor’s representative is obliged to appoint one or more coordinators for project development and one or more coordinators for construction works when they perform or envisage works on the construction site. perform two or more contractors.

The coordinator for the execution of works performs the following tasks:

(1) decides on technical, technological and / or organizational solutions, in order to plan different elements or phases of works that should be performed simultaneously or one after the other, (2) estimate the deadlines required for the completion of those works or phases of works;

(1) consistently apply preventive measures in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of this Regulation, (2) where necessary, apply specific measures from the Plan of preventive measures for safety and health at work

Proposes to initiate the procedure of drafting amendments to the Plan of preventive measures for safety and health at work (Annex 5) and documents referred to in Article 11, paragraph 1, item 4) of this Regulation and provides the information necessary to make those amendments, taking into account the changes on the construction site

Organizes cooperation and mutual notification of all employers and other persons who simultaneously or one after the other perform work on the construction site, coordinates their activities regarding the implementation of measures for safety and health at work in order to prevent injuries and occupational diseases

Ensures that all employers and other persons on the construction site are acquainted with the Plan of preventive measures for safety and health at work (Appendix 5), ie with its amendments or supplements;

Coordinates agreements to verify that work activities are performed properly;

Take measures to ensure that only persons who have a permit to enter the construction site have access to the construction site;

Informs the competent labor inspection about cases when employers and other persons do not apply measures for safe and healthy work;

Daily visits the construction site where he coordinates;

Keeps the Record on the construction site visit (Appendix 6) and informs the investor, ie the investor’s representative about the changes on the construction site. Records on the construction site visit (Appendix 6) are printed with this regulation and form an integral part thereof.

Inspection and verification of temporary construction site

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