Acoustic Tests
With professional staff and state-of-the-art measurement and analysis equipment, we can meet all measurement requirements
Summarizing decades of experience, with professional staff and the most modern equipment for measurement and analysis, we can answer all the requirements for measurement
Thanks to the resources we have, we can perform measurements at several measuring points at the same time, either as short-term measurements or as long-term monitoring (continuously during 24 hours or multi-day monitoring).
We are authorized to measure environmental noise with the competent Ministry by decision number 353-01-00631 / 2018-03 from 06.2018 by the Ministry of Environmental Protection
Regulations: measurement of noise in the environment is performed on the basis of the Law on Protection from Noise in the Environment (“Službeni glasnik.
Glasnik RS ”no. 36/09 and 88/10) Ordinance on noise indicators, limit values, methods for assessing noise indicators, harassment and harmful effects of noise in the environment (“Službeni glasnik of RS” No. 75/10), Rulebook on noise measurement methods, the content and scope of the report on noise measurement (“Official Gazette of RS” No. 72/10) and the Rulebook on the methodology for determining acoustic zones (“Službeni glasnik of RS” No. 72/10)
- Measurement: according to standards
- Acoustics – Description, measurement and evaluation of environmental noise – Part 1: Basic quantities and procedures for the evaluation and
- Acoustics – Description, measurement and evaluation of environmental noise – Part 2: Determination of environmental noise levels
- Noise protection entities are responsible for any activity or failure to take measures that cause exposure to noise above the limit
- Legal and natural persons who, in the course of their activities, affect or may affect exposure to noise are obliged to provide:
Participation in environmental noise protection costs within investment, current and production costs; monitoring the impact of its activities on noise; implementation of appropriate noise protection measures, in accordance with this law and the law governing environmental protection.