Two-step consultations
Environmental Protection
Through the ecological, social and economic dimensions of environmental sustainability, we define the conceptual foundations of sustainable development and practical tools for the analysis of environmental indicators
Environmental Protection
Through the ecological, social and economic dimensions of environmental sustainability, we define the conceptual foundations of sustainable development and practical tools for the analysis of environmental indicators
Two-step consultations
Environmental Protection
Through the ecological, social and economic dimensions of environmental sustainability, we define the conceptual foundations of sustainable development and practical tools for the analysis of environmental indicators
Two-step consultations
Preparation of professional documentation, consultations and regular monitoring
Any legal and natural person or company whose activities contribute to pollution or endangering the environment, and at the same time does not take the prescribed measures for its protection, violates the law of the Republic of Serbia.
Thanks to many years of experience in the field of environmental protection and a team composed of employees from the most relevant professions, trained to provide services in the field of environmental protection, as well as accredited modern laboratories, we can offer you a comprehensive service in the field of environmental protection. Whether it refers to the preparation of professional documentation, daily activities or testing or monitoring service, in order to comply with legal regulations, we are always at your disposal.
We provide the following services for you:
- Analysis of the impact of buildings on the environment
- IPPC permits
- Waste management plans
- Daily activities (preparation of prescribed records in the field of environmental protection and monitoring of all changes defined on that basis, advisory services in order to harmonize with changes in regulations, in order to harmonize operations with applicable regulations, etc.)
- Organizing and controlling all types of tests that need to be performed in accordance with regulations
- Providing advisory and professional assistance in resolving certain issues related to waste management (assistance in drafting daily records, drafting annual reports and submitting them to the Environmental Protection Agency, assistance in drafting procedures related to waste management, attendance at inspections, training employees in the field of waste management, assistance in announcing the transport of hazardous waste and in the selection of operators for transport or storage of waste, etc.)
Licenses and authorizations
Take a look at the licenses, certificates and authorizations we have gained over the years by constantly modernizing approaches, methodologies, instruments and methods of implementing services.

High expertise and multidisciplinarity in making analyzes of the impact of facilities and works on the environment
Ministry of Environmental Protection

High expertise and multidisciplinarity in making analyzes of the impact of facilities and works on the environment
Ministry of Environmental Protection

Preparation of technical documentation for construction projects, thermal engineering projects and electrical installations
Ministry of Construction 351-03-02080 / 96-04 (December 22, 1997)

Water quality testing
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management 325-00-1 / 2017-07 (30/06/2017) (11/02/2016)

Air and waste gas quality testing
Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection 353-01-00423 / 2 / 2016-17 (12/01/2016)
Establishment and management of the environmental protection system in order to fulfill all prescribed obligations
- Persons for environmental protection, ie consulting service in the field of environmental protection (complete service in all areas that need to be arranged and organized)
- Persons responsible for non-hazardous and hazardous waste management (qualified person for professional work, member of the Law on Waste Management)
- Development of the Waste Management Plan, updating / supplementing the Plan (Article of the Law on Waste Management)
- Formation and keeping of prescribed daily records (DEO-1, GIO-1)
- Communication with the competent authorities and annual reporting to the Environmental Protection Agency (many years of experience with small, medium and large plants or waste producers as well as IPPC plants)
- Attendance at inspection
- Consultations and professional assistance in resolving certain issues in the field of environmental protection

Water testing
Laboratory for protection of work and life in the service of relevant chemical analysis, methods and testing of surface, groundwater and wastewater.

Air testing
Sampling and testing of ambient quality air for which the Laboratory has the Authorization of the competent Ministry.

Soil testing
Sampling, chemical and physical testing of soil, sludge and sediment samples with the aim of monitoring the monitored parameters.

Acoustic tests
With the most modern equipment for measurement and analysis, we can meet all requirements in order to measure noise and caustic phenomena.

Daily activities in the field of waste management
Evidentiranje, praćenje i savetovanje u dnevnim aktivnostima u upravljanju otpadom.

Development of a waste management plan
From clustering, categorization to recycling, we offer a range of activities for proper waste management.

Environmental action plan
Within the umbrella regulations of the RS, counseling and practical training within the strategic activities and organization of activities in the field of environmental protection

Preventive supervision in the field of environmental protection
The environment is at the top of the world's priorities

Chemicals Advisor
Our chemical advisor is a person who has the necessary knowledge to perform his duties on the basis of the mentioned laws.
Together with you for a safe environment